Thursday, June 27, 2013

Favorite Lane

Here is my favorite lane around Melbourne so far: Degraves Street.  I mentioned this area before most likely on my food post.  Thought you'd like a quick sample of the vibe this street offers.

Diners are tucked on either side of the street.
The little statue tucked in the corner caught my eye first.  I took a few shots of him to then turn to get the store front.  Luck would have a women with a kid in tow would approach this children's book store!
 Here's the little guy that caught my eye.
 This street is filled with cute shops.  I think I will definitely have to make a stop here at "Little Cupcake."

 These are just a few other shots I've taken so far.  I'll be sure to add a few more over the next coming weeks seeing as this is a great little spot.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Never-Ending Post

I never thought I would be one of those people taking pictures of my food especially in public.  I'm pretty sure I even heard a few exasperated sighs from neighboring dinners yesterday.  If I'm honest though, I love food and having some documentation especially of those unique and delicious meals is almost a souvenir itself.

The Great Flood Dinner
After wandering around the city and Chinatown for about 30 minutes or so in search of the smiley face (that's a whole other story), Ben suggested a Japanese restaurant that he enjoyed.  Following him into a building with no major signage for a restaurant, through a set of black curtains, and down a flight of steps we arrived at our destination.  The place (which I have no idea of name) had a bar and kitchen that spanned at least half of the room with stools along it as well as a row of tables pushed against the wall.  Upon being seated, we were given warm towels and menus rolled up like scrolls.

Our first choice involved drinks seeing as this dinner was to help forget the whole ordeal of the day.  Ben suggested a Benibeni to me which looked intriguing with Gin, Pear juice, and a few other ingredients.  Mike went with a Saki Mojito, a suggestion from our waitress. 

Next was choosing dinner, a much more difficult feat.  The menu was broken into groups: Hot, Cold, Starters, Grill, Vegetables, and Sweet.  Ben, who has great suggestions towards food, wasn't too useful as he loved everything from here that he has tried so far and would most certainly be willing to order the entire menu to sample.  Luckily the dishes were small and to be shared like tapas so we could get some variety that way.

We settled on the following:
-the House Fried Chicken (delicious small pieces of crispy, fried chicken served with lemon and mayo)
-Brocolini with chilies (a nice green veggie with a kick of heat)
-Tempora fried pumpkin and taro (the light breading adds a delicate layer of crunch to the starchy vegetables)
-Duck Liver Pate (the only thing I didn't try-figure I can get pate anywhere)
-Stir fried chicken with miso and mushrooms (may have been my favorite-it came out last and were basically chicken wings fried but had this crispy first layer along with a touch of salt that brought the flavor alive)
-Lamb skewers (my other favorite, the lamb was rolled with something in it-amazing)
-Duck with pomegranate soy sauce (tender slices of duck breast with pomegranate seeds sprinkled across the plate)
and finally.............................
-Kangeroo Sashimi style (thin slices of extra rare meat)

I was a bit skeptical to try my first kangaroo almost raw, but I did it.  It was actually delicious and the texture was really pleasant.  From what I hear, kangaroo can be quite tough so this was an ideal way to prepare it.  I think the chef used some type of sesame or peanut oil on it as well.

All in all the meal quickly made me forget my horrible day and was an event in itself trying new dishes and meats.

Snacks Around the City
As I wander about exploring downtown and taking pictures, I tend to get hungry or thirsty or both!

Yesterday I stopped at Federation Square for a quick break at an outdoor café aptly named time out.

The menu had an impressive choice of drinks as well as some small plates, sandwiches, and main dishes. I opted for my first meal alone to be a tribute to my time in Spain.

a coke with lemon and croquettes
Later as I continued to wander the city, the sun kept tucking behind the buildings causing me to feel quite chilly.  Rather than give up quite yet on my exploring, I opted to get a warm beverage.  I had just walked down Degraves Street with lots of coffee shops and cafes.  Contemplating turning back around, I stumbled upon a place at the end of the street. 
It did a great job of keeping my hands toasty and warm.

Today (Wednesday) as I started to wander I hit up Degraves early in my travels.  I found a great place that offers fresh juices and smoothies.  After much debate I decided on the #4 orange, pineapple, and watermelon.  I continued down Degraves until I hit up Fed Square and then headed to the Yarra River to enjoy my juice.

Once I started to feel a bit tired,  I realized I was starving!  I had a fairly light breakfast so all the walking and bending and carrying depleted that extra energy quick.  For some reason, I've been craving pasta since I arrived so I went hunting for a place that served pasta.  This isn't too difficult of a task, but I did want somewhere with some ambience as well.  I lucked into finding a place tucked in a lane between two huge department stores.  With warm gas heaters and rustic décor AND pasta on the menu, it seemed perfect.

It was not a difficult decision on what I wanted to eat: spaghetti carbonara.  This place did a slight tweak on the version I'm used to with some chili oil in so it would have a touch of heat in bites.  It also did not have the heavier sauce my homemade does, but wow this was delicious!

The Most Important Meal of the Day
Yesterday (Thursday)  I spent the day being quite lazy and it all started with my breakfast.  I wasn't quite feeling oats or yogurt.  I wanted something warm and filling.  Here is what I came up with:

 I started with a chunk of a multi-grain baguette, some sliced cheddar, and pan-fried Australian prosciutto.  They did have Italian and Spanish as well, but I figured when in Australia....

 Here I've added 2 pan-fried eggs with a touch of salt and pepper (freshly ground of course).

I'm glad I was home alone when I attempt to eat this delicious mess.  It's quite tall and I don't believe my mouth is quite large enough to take a bite with both slices of bread.  Sooo tasty I made another this morning :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Great Flood of 93' (cont.)

I thought I would update you on how the whole ordeal ended yesterday.  When I last left you, I was sitting on the couch, recently parted from sweet, Greek cleaners, and awaiting the plumber's solution.

While waiting the solution, I finally convinced myself to eat and attempt to vacate my mind of the atrocity occurring in the room.  Lucky for me, I had made my favorite soup the night before so I had on hand the absolute resetting meal for me:

Yes that happens to be my grandmother's chicken soup with homemade dumplings.  My favorite from the time I was two!

After the meal, it took just a few more hours time, a little too much sewage, the discussion of cutting through the wall, and awaiting necessary equipment before the blockage was solved.  Seemingly this would be the end of my story, but of course life isn't quite that simple.

Now I was tasked with getting ahold of Michael and Ben so that they could contact their rental agency. The room needed to be cleaned and most likely the carpet be ripped out. To the phone's I go again.  If you recall before I had issues with Michael's handset so I knew this round to use the living room phone. 

I press the on button and BEEEEP.  Hmmmm, that's weird.  Repeat.  BEEEEEP.  Einstein did say that insanity is repeating the same action with the expectation of different results.  I leapt across the soaked towels and tried Mike's phone. BEEEEP.  Well, this is a problem.  It's now around 3:15 in the afternoon and we need to get cleaners in immediately. 

Across the hall I go again to now ask to borrow a phone!  Luckily, he is quite a patient, helpful guy and didn't mind at all.  Dial Mike's cell.  Nothing.  Try again, straight to voicemail!  Here I am repeating my history of earlier, searching for his work number (clearly should have wrote it down) and bothering the poor reception again. 

Mike picks up.  SCORE!  Now, I have Ben's number since he needs to call the agency.  Try his cell.  Straight to voicemail.  This is not good. Luckily, I ignored Einstein's advice and try again.  I get through and leave a voicemail.  I go to leave when the phone rings and it's Ben!  Eureka!!!!

Now he is calling the agency and I'm headed back to the apartment relieved.  I sit down and breathe a sigh of relief, feeling quite proud of myself when knock, knock, knock.  Someone is on the phone for me again.  I jog across the hall and talk to the cleaners heading over for a few.  As I stand to leave, the phone rings's Ben of course.  (This is now the 3rd phone call for me at a friend's apartment!)  I update him on the status and give him the needed info for the agent on the plumbers and finally return to the apartment. 

Ding Ding Skype is ringing.  It's Michael.  I've missed 3 calls since I was across the hall.  I update him, gain instructions on how to let someone into the building (I had no clue nor would I have figured it out!), and relax to await the cleaners.

30 minutes later, they arrived to discover that sewage was involved which wasn't conveyed to probably because their information was about 4 steps removed from the situation.  Luckily they were prepared and sweet as can be.  I swear every person that came to the apartment was as nice as can be!

Before I knew it, they had sanitized everything and gave me their recommendation to have the carpet replaced.  Off they went and I could await the arrival of Mike and Ben. 

Mike insisted that I get out of the apartment for a bit after a shower in Ben's room (I still couldn't quite face the other one yet).  The guys were quite sweet and took me downtown to dinner.  We had a fun, delicious meal at a Japanese restaurant near Chinatown.  I will post a quick blurb on "The Never-Ending Post."

Well there it is.  I arrived this evening to find the carpet has been removed so that's good eh?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

When it rains, it pours

I've spent the past few days in relaxation mode.  I watched a cricket match Saturday afternoon in the park.  Interesting game mostly because I still have no idea what on earth was happening.  Even with my keen observation skills and five hours of watching, I still felt lost and confused!

When I had first arrived here, I thought I don't really feel like I'm in a foreign country.  I mean they speak English here and I understand what's happening.  Six minutes sitting in the lawn chair listening to a few fellas chat while keeping score...yup there's the foreign language I was missing.  Cricket speak.

Sunday we went to the market which was lovely.  It brought me back to my time in Barca though it is SO much easy to purchase items when you speak the same language.  The market was teeming with people rushing down the packet aisles trying to get their produce, meats, and other goods.  There was also a string of small food stands you would find at a fair or some such.  Sitting on the curb munching a delicious crepe was the perfect way to finish my first trip to the market.  It even made hauling the groceries back less of a feat.

This morning as I was making my breakfast, Ben (Michael's flat mate) asked what my plans were today.  I wanted to explore the city I told him.  He gave me a few suggestions and headed off to work.  I quickly ate my oats and yogurt and started a workout.  As I was sitting up off the floor I happened to glance up at the curtains.  It looked a bit gray outside.  Sure enough I pulled back the curtains to reveal this:

Now at home this would be nothing, but planning on walking the streets and using the metro, well, this kinda sucks.  Eh, I figure I will just wait it out since the forecast had only a 20% chance of rain. I guess I'll just go take a shower and get ready.
As I walked into the bathroom perhaps a bit too giddy with the idea of getting to use the space heater (the apartment is chilly), I looked to the shower.  There was an odd puddle of water around the drain.  That's gross I thought.  Then I heard a gurgling noise and now more water came spewing up the drain.  Not good!  I grabbed the house phone and dialed up Mike's cell. 
Ring. Ring. Ringggggggggggggggg.
No answer.  Of course he wouldn't answer, he's at work teaching children.  I wouldn't answer my cell either. Maybe the water won't really leak anymore.  It will work out.  I just won't shower at the moment.
Gurgle. Gurgle. Shit.
At this point the water is leak down the shower onto the floor.  I put down a few more towels and think how do I get a hold of Mike. After a few more minutes of panic and a bit more rushing water, I realize I know the name of his school.  I can at least call them and leave a message for him.  Now this seems such an easy thing to do and I even had a house phone.  There was just one issue. The six button stuck.  Not only do I need to dial 10 digits every time, but the last digit is a six.  It took me 4 rounds of trying before I could finally get the button to cooperate with me (side note, found another phone in the living room later).  
Flushed with success, the phone rang and a lovely receptionist picked up.  As I relayed the message I wanted to leave for Michael she goes, home emergency? Why don't I just directly connect you? 
Thanking my lucky stars Michael picks up and proceeds to tell me to go tell Tony. I find Tony because god really is understanding and he pops over to take a look.  After a trial with the plunger we deem it necessary for a plumber.  After about 30 minutes or so of mopping and lots of towels down, I sit and wait for the plumber.   Here's a peak at my current nightmare:
I'll keep you lovelies updated on the water front.  Wish me luck.  I know I'm in Australia and all, but seriously I'm needing a little luck at the moment!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Visa, What Visa?

Greetings from lovely Australia!!!  I made it.  I'll admit it was a close call for a's the story.

If you know me well then you know my packing style.  I over think, plan, scrutinize and then realize I have 3 hours before I have to be leaving for the airport and then frantically run about shoving things into my bag.  This trip was no exception to my efficient methods which would have been alright baring one flaw. I bought this new suitcase for my carry on. It's handy due to the four wheels and zip down compartment to grab my laptop quickly for security.  In all those planning efforts, I had brilliantly decided to put my camera bag in that suitcase so as I could carry on my backpack (much more useful for storing all the oddities I might want on my long flight).  Life is grand for I've now successfully packed my two checked bags even if I'm a bit nervous about weight on the big guy and have just 20 minutes to get my carry-ons in order (and change clothes) before I must leave.  Slight issue: It doesn't fit!  My stress level just sky rocketed and I'm starting to panic yet I realize I don't have time to panic.  My first solution is to simply carry the camera bag and shove my backpack into the new suitcase.  I mean I have to have these 3 bags and I need all of these things and oh I've already crammed everything into to the other 2 cases with not an ounce of room to spare.  On the surface this is a quick solution, but if you've traveled a bit you know that you've got stuff to survive the flight.  Since this would be my longest flight to date, I had a bunch of survival goodies like my ipad, snacks, pillows, lotion, meds, and most importantly, an eye mask.  Well all of those things were in that suit case which would get shoved into the overhead big unreachable...yup, that's a problem! So I spent my brief 20 minute drive to the airport in the backseat rearranging these bags attempting to find a better solution. I did by the way solve my problem as well as get massively carsick.

I was just a bit flustered upon my arrival to the airport, but I got in kiosk and tried to look up my flight.  Of course, it couldn't find me.  Hmmm...that's a problem.  I ask the guy and show him my e-mail (after like 5 minutes of waiting since my phone is a tad bit older) and he looked up my code.  Whew! I'm in and selected my flight and BAM "Required documents not available.  See associate."  I grab the same guy and ask.  He scans my passport and then says, "It's not showing your visa." My reply, "Visa?"  Yup that's right.  I've been planning this trip for 6 months.  I've even got hotels booked for my 2 weeks trip up North.  I've had even had a dinner date with a lovely Melbourne family to pick their brains.  Did I think to check what I needed to get into the country?  Of course not. The lovely associate brings me to a line and says they can try and help.  I'm behind 3 others and the family currently at the desk has about 42 bags, boxes, and things with them. The woman is furiously typing and talking.  Five minutes pass no progress.  10 minutes pass I try to smile. At this point I'm terrified I could miss my flight since I didn't pad myself with 2 or 3 hours.  I'm attempting calming breaths as finally the line starts to move and others are helped.  My mind is now searching all the possibilities of what could happen...namely not getting to go at all.  Yup panic setting in and I'm being ushered over.  Apparently, Australia is the only country that will issue an electronic visa, so the lovely attendant is going to call and see what we can do. I swear I could feel every second passing praying that it works and that I don't miss my flight and all that furious packing wasn't a waste.  Then he says the greatest words ever, "That will be 45 dollars."  YES!  IT WORKED!!!  Never have I been happier to hand over my credit card and sprint to security.

From there my travels were wonderful especially considering I had been bumped up to premium economy.  If you get the chance, take it.  Pay the extra money. Worth every dime.

I slept.  A lot.  Like at least 8 hours. 

So now I'm in Australia despite my best efforts to stay in the U.S.  I guess I better go take advantage ;)