Sunday, June 23, 2013

When it rains, it pours

I've spent the past few days in relaxation mode.  I watched a cricket match Saturday afternoon in the park.  Interesting game mostly because I still have no idea what on earth was happening.  Even with my keen observation skills and five hours of watching, I still felt lost and confused!

When I had first arrived here, I thought I don't really feel like I'm in a foreign country.  I mean they speak English here and I understand what's happening.  Six minutes sitting in the lawn chair listening to a few fellas chat while keeping score...yup there's the foreign language I was missing.  Cricket speak.

Sunday we went to the market which was lovely.  It brought me back to my time in Barca though it is SO much easy to purchase items when you speak the same language.  The market was teeming with people rushing down the packet aisles trying to get their produce, meats, and other goods.  There was also a string of small food stands you would find at a fair or some such.  Sitting on the curb munching a delicious crepe was the perfect way to finish my first trip to the market.  It even made hauling the groceries back less of a feat.

This morning as I was making my breakfast, Ben (Michael's flat mate) asked what my plans were today.  I wanted to explore the city I told him.  He gave me a few suggestions and headed off to work.  I quickly ate my oats and yogurt and started a workout.  As I was sitting up off the floor I happened to glance up at the curtains.  It looked a bit gray outside.  Sure enough I pulled back the curtains to reveal this:

Now at home this would be nothing, but planning on walking the streets and using the metro, well, this kinda sucks.  Eh, I figure I will just wait it out since the forecast had only a 20% chance of rain. I guess I'll just go take a shower and get ready.
As I walked into the bathroom perhaps a bit too giddy with the idea of getting to use the space heater (the apartment is chilly), I looked to the shower.  There was an odd puddle of water around the drain.  That's gross I thought.  Then I heard a gurgling noise and now more water came spewing up the drain.  Not good!  I grabbed the house phone and dialed up Mike's cell. 
Ring. Ring. Ringggggggggggggggg.
No answer.  Of course he wouldn't answer, he's at work teaching children.  I wouldn't answer my cell either. Maybe the water won't really leak anymore.  It will work out.  I just won't shower at the moment.
Gurgle. Gurgle. Shit.
At this point the water is leak down the shower onto the floor.  I put down a few more towels and think how do I get a hold of Mike. After a few more minutes of panic and a bit more rushing water, I realize I know the name of his school.  I can at least call them and leave a message for him.  Now this seems such an easy thing to do and I even had a house phone.  There was just one issue. The six button stuck.  Not only do I need to dial 10 digits every time, but the last digit is a six.  It took me 4 rounds of trying before I could finally get the button to cooperate with me (side note, found another phone in the living room later).  
Flushed with success, the phone rang and a lovely receptionist picked up.  As I relayed the message I wanted to leave for Michael she goes, home emergency? Why don't I just directly connect you? 
Thanking my lucky stars Michael picks up and proceeds to tell me to go tell Tony. I find Tony because god really is understanding and he pops over to take a look.  After a trial with the plunger we deem it necessary for a plumber.  After about 30 minutes or so of mopping and lots of towels down, I sit and wait for the plumber.   Here's a peak at my current nightmare:
I'll keep you lovelies updated on the water front.  Wish me luck.  I know I'm in Australia and all, but seriously I'm needing a little luck at the moment!

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