Thursday, June 9, 2011

Adventures a foot

Hola!  The sun is shining on Granada this afternoon which has the city a buzz in activity.  Personally I enjoy all the people as I gain a false sense of security although I have found a few little coves of quiet to be enjoyed.  Although I must admit that I didn't wander as long as I wanted since my feet and legs have grown quite sore.  They apparently don't understand why we aren't riding in a lovely car everywhere and just walking the accustomed few yards to a door of a shop or restaurant. 

Today I brought my large camera out with me to capture a few of the beautiful buildings and churches Ryan and I discovered yesterday on our way to the restaurant, Corral de Carbon. I'm going to side track just for a moment to tell you that Corral de Carbon was worth the walk and the price.  We ordered a few tapas to start, but our main dish was literally a plate of grilled meat (or as Ryan likes to refer to it un plato de animales muertos).  The thick clay plate was carried out on a slab of wood sizzling and popping.  The variety of meats mostly steak which of course I was pleased with were juicy and delicious.  As you cut each slice you could press it against the hot plate cooking it just a bit more and sealing in the flavor.  To top it all off huge flakes of sea salt were dusted across the meat....if it weren't such a hike and 24 Euros I wouldn't be writing this and instead enjoying the meal all over again. 
This yummy starter is almost dessert like with the fruit compote underneath.  It is camembert cheese fried with seaseme seeds.  It was quite decadent but very tasty.

Here it is!!!!!!!!!!!  The best plate of meat ever.  Those large white flakes that you may think could be onion, nope: Salt!  The meat never tasted salty, just delicious especially after pressing it against the hot plate and soaking up all those juices!  Worth every last Euro.

Focus, back to my adventures a foot.  To explain my soreness my story truly begins at the end of that lovely dinner.  With our bellies full of meat, we realized we needed to pull out some more cash before hitting a bar.  The only catch to this simple need was to find a La Caixa since Ryan didn't want to pay the extra Euros to pull from some other ATM (and who can blame him really).  We first asked a few lovely ladies outside the restaurant.  Now when I say "we" I mean Ryan conversed and I blankly stared at everyone and tried to nod at the appropriate places.  After our quick conversation we headed towards the main road that Ryan remembered seeing a La Caixa on his way into the city.  Quickly we saw a Citi Bank which refreshed my memory as to my own bus ride into the city thinking "Wow, a Citi Bank, I wonder if I could have an account that works in Spain and the U.S."  This also confirmed my own memory of seeing a La Caixa, so we head down the main avenue with a renewed vigor.  Block by block we began to question exactly where we saw the ATM and eventually came to the conclusion that it was much further down.  Pushing on we continued out quick pace with each turn and corner giving us a false sense of hope.  Just for fun we happened to pass at least 15 other banks with ATMs...VICTORY!!!!!!  We finally found the La Caixa and pulled out money.  Now giddy with success and exhausted from our unexpected 20 minutes hike, we set back out to catch up with everyone.  Another few rounds of directions and head nods, we started up a new path.  Soon we were back on the main street close to Corral de Carbon when what do we see???? Oh a La Caixa right past the CITI BANK!?!?!  Ryan and I literally walked right past the ATM and continued down oh another 20 blocks or more to find another one.  The only moment of salvation in this entire endevour was that we didn't settle and pay a fee to discover a closer location.  Needless to say, Ryan bought me some gelato to cheer me up as that expedition.

My adventures today were not near as frustrating although I did come to a few conclusions towards city life here.
1.  While Spain is known for stray cats, everyone seems to own a dog.  I mean even the homeless guy sleeping by the church had three! Oh and every little old lady is walking a tiny dog as well.
2.  Woman like wearing tights or nylons.  Not bright colors or patterns or lace but flesh toned ones with almost anything from causal short shorts to dresses.  You can normally spot them by different colored feet or legs that are just a bit off.
3.  If there is a city square with official government buildings then it is required to have a huge group of hippies living there protesting something. 

I'm off to find that delicious coca cola with lemon and ice...perhaps a few tapas while waiting for Ryan's return.


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