Sunday, June 19, 2011

An evening stroll

One of my favorite things about Barcelona especially Barri Gotic, our neighborhood, is that everyone is always out.  Walking around the narrow, history filled streets is an enjoyable way to spend any part of your day, but I particularly like dusk.  As the sun is casting a soft glow on the stone, the entire city emanates romance.  Adding to the ambiance is all of the music.  Each turn of the street reveals either a guistarist, an opera singer, or even a string quartet.  Barcelona is filled with music and romance and beauty.

With this as our backdrop, you can imagine why Ryan and I take many strolls around the city.  Just last night we enjoy the cool evening breeze and our lovely neighborhood.  We wandered around a few of the stunning and quite old cathedrals, watching the bubble guy create 4 foot masterpieces, and enjoy a few musicians.  Then we discovered the artisian bazzar just a few blocks away.  I've been in search of honey and Ryan knew this would be the place for it.  The stands were filled with herbs, honey, cookies, and cheese.  One vendor had goat cheese which is Ryan's favorite and we happened to be offered a sample.  I can't say no to free food especially at a sale of this quality.  I will admit though I was a bit nervous.  I don't mind goat cheese, but normally the over powering flavor isn't of my personal preference.  Wow.  I was glad I tried it.  The texture melted away on my tongue leaving such lovely flavors.  These was a work of art, hence artisans I guess!  The kind salesman offered us a stronger option which I was sure couldn't beat the former.  Once again I was kindly mistaken.  I just love with this happens.  The second was stronger, but even richer and more delightful.  Ryan had the same instant love I did which is why I knew it was essential that we rush over the ATM and grab a few more Euros to buy some.  I wasn't going to wait a few more weeks!  Lucky for us we came over just in time before the stands were closed up for the evening and purchased our prize.
After those few tastes we realized something: we were HUNGRY!  This is always a tricky decision that I truly believe every family is plagued with: What's for Dinner?  It is the eternal question for all mankind and it doesn't get any easier being in a foreign country.  We quickly debated the options: go home and cook, grab a tapa, try a burger...  Soon we settled to try the cheap burger advertised at a local bar I spotted a few days ago.  As we walked though we were quickly side tracked. 

There was a small place, which really isn't saying much seeing as almost all the shops and bars and restaurants here are quite tiny, filled with people with a neon orange sign which read: Wok to Walk.  Upon my research now, I've learned they started in Amsterdamn and now are available in 9 different countries.  There goal is to make fast food that is healthy and fairly priced.  Our reasoning?  A line of people and delicious smells.

You don't really walk in because the line is out the door due to the size and volume of waiting customers.  What you do see is a clear glass window with 3 men filling sizzling hot woks with mushrooms and noodles and garlic and sauces.  They quickly flip and toss the ingredients with one hand while dumping in something else with the other.  This site alone won my vote: instantly.  Hung against the window is a huge version of their menu (clearly they expect people to be waiting in line outside) as well as a set of menus just at the door.  Here is their menu on-line although this isn't exactly our menu since it varies for each country or region:
As you can see just looking at the menu, it was going to be a tough choice!  Soon we were inside the building right in front of the wok masters even getting a few random hits of hot oil: we were that close.  After staring at all the choices I finally decided: egg noodles, beef, veggie mix (which had mushrooms, bok choy, broccoli, peanuts, and pineapple) and the classic teriyaki.  Arriving at the register was an exciting accomplishment especially since not only did we have to stare at the men cooking these enticing entrees, but we had to smell it.  Wow.  Garlic hitting hot, sizzling oil gives such a love scent.  Now we just had to wait for our food while watching the staff attempt to call the names of people whose orders were ready.  I think the best was Bob who was called three times and still didn't come up.  The next order was for some girl who was playfully beckoned behind the counter and then "Bob" realized his food must be up as well.  I have a strange suspicion that his name was not Bob and he had forgotten the fake name he listed.  Then my name was called and I was handed this orange box that was incredibly hot and smelled delightful.  We quickly asked for a bolsa and bolted out of there.  There is never a happier feeling for me than a bag of hot, steaming noodles in one hand and a circle of tasty goat cheese in the other.

I do love strolling through the streets of Barcelona.

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