Monday, June 6, 2011

I Have Arrived!

Hola! I arrived in Spain to find sunny, beautiful weather and a city that surprises you as much as grabs at you.  Wandering along La Rambla or almost any street, you will find a plethora of people in every nationality, grouping, and style you can imagine.  Why there was even a guy dressed as an "oversized" Baywatch girl chatting up tables.  The unexpected lives in Barca and as you amble along you feel the potential and unknown building up until you are shocked or amazed once more.   Dull is not a word that fits this city or people who reside here.

What have I done these first few days?  Of course, way too much and not enough...
-I ate a cheap, thrifty kabob on the Post Office steps around 11 p.m. watching every known person walking about including small children and an entire slew of rollar bladers!    
-I had my first pitcher of Sangria which far super seceded anything back home even though it was just average for Barca.
  -Climbed way too many steps to enjoy free day at the Musea Nacional d'Art de Catalunya especially since I was a bit hungover from the Sangria.  Though know that it was worth it: LOTS of art, beautiful building, painted ceilings, and outside oasis of trees, shrubs, flowers, and ice cream :)
-Devoured some yummy tapas at Taller De Tapas.  The chorizo was exceptional of course as well as the traditional pa amb tomaquet (bread rubbed with fresh tomatoes and olive oil).
-Wandered through La Boqueria avoiding the fish, as I'm sure most of you aren't surprised.  Ryan brought my attention to fresh squeezed juices of every fruit imaginable...I had watermelon which I promptly slurped down and regretted not buying another.
-Walked through many placas, seen Roman ruins, observed about a billion gorgeous buildings and have only taken a few pictures.  I know, I are next on the list.

I'm off to eat the rest of these cherries, take in a little more sun, and pack for Granada.  It should be a fun week.


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