Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Oh so delicioso

One of my main joys in life is food.  I love to eat and treasure good quality food which is why food words in espanol and catala stick to my brain so well. Of course stringing them into sentences and understanding the dialogue between patron and waiter is a whole other story. 

The downside to this passion is my great disappointment towards medicore food.  While I will tolerate it, I'm not a fan of Applebees and other chain like food.  Therefore when I desperately ordered from telepizza yesterday, I was highly let down.  In all fairness, I didn't have high expectations nor would have I considered ordering it had I not been shaking with hunger.  The sauce was odd, ham fatty and limp, and cheese didn't match the flavors.  My only redemption were chewy pieces of bread flavored a bit like garlic and dipped in a pre-packaged tomato sauce you would get at Pizza Hut (although I think Pizza Hut's might be a bit better). 

After that failure, I attended the reception to the Termis conference that evening to find tables of hor'derves.  I tasted a few treats which were all good, but it wasn't a meal.  After spending a few hours at club, we bid our good byes to find me something to eat.  The time was 11:40 which is dangerously close to midnight meaning most restuarants and places other than bars would be finished.  Of course this is our first night in Grananda with no idea to where to go to find  restuarant so we wandered the streets. Luckily a few blocks away, Ryan and I stumbled upon Oleum gastrobar. 

We quickly made decisions since the kitchen would closing shortly and sat back enjoying the first moments of quiet together.  Then his beer arrived with a tapa.  In parts of Spain, especially here in Granada, it is tradition to serve a beer or drink with a tapa that choosen by the waiter.  This delicious treat is free of charge.  Naturally in Ryan's favor, the tapa was a few pieces of fish friend as well as a mixture including crab and octopus.  For some reason, I passed on trying any of this particular tapa, but waited patiently for my meal.  Ah, it arrived: heuvos rotos sobre patata frites, pinones y jamon.  My title of this blog is for this incredible filling dish that hit spot.  I even passed on the croquetas since I was so very pleased.  The bad luck finally ceased with such a treasure.

Although I should note, I was a bit unhappily that I did not have a camera with me so I could show you this unique find.  Never fear!  I returned this afternoon for my lunch with my camera in hand.  Not only did I enjoy heuvos rotos a second time, but I lucked into receiving a tapa sin peces!!!!  I will post this delicious pic upon my arrival in Barca since I still don't have the memory card. The picture I posted here came from a Picassa album:
Since I am a teacher I do need to credit my sources!

Here is it!  The lovely heuvos rotos sobre patata frites, pinones y jamon.  You should know that it tastes even better than it looks.

1 comment:

  1. Lmao, octopus seriously??? Bleh! But whatever you said you had sounds delicious. :D
